Crisis communication management: H&M
During the course in "Crisis communication management" I presented slides regarding the strategy of the global brand H&M, claimed to be unsustainable and not environmentally friendly as a company.

Simplified flyer for a yoga studio
This shows the first page of a simplified flyer made for a yoga studio during "Integrated marketing communications" class.

Graphic design: magazine and billboard
A cover of a sports magazine, made during classes in Graphic design with Adobe Photoshop.

Print Ad DHL
This an ad that I made for DHL as part of an exercise in "Semiotics of the advertisement" during the Covid pandemic in 2020. I got inspired by the logistics companies that did everything that they could to provide their customers with service.

Official press releases for BNT
During an internship at the Bulgarian National Television I was able to provide the marketing team with around 10 press release message for their film and studio productions. Those can be provided separately if interested.