As I am continuously trying to improve my skills and understanding on different topics I tend to forget that the goal is not as important as the journey.
I am catching myself thinking „What’s next?“, „When will the right time come?“, „How can I do it better?“, „Am I good enough?“.
Of course nobody knows the answer to those, but what I think I should do is bring myself back to the present moment and breathe in all the things that I am grateful for. Today. In this exact moment.
I am in a good health, in a proper shape, I saw a dear friend and had a profound interaction. Or simply- well it’s indeed a sunny day full of new opportunities. If nothing happens, well then I might need to change my schedule, so that at the end of that I can say thank you to at least three things that went well, or are well.
Today, after commemorating the memory of my grandmother who passed away one year ago, I am thankful for all her being, piece of advice, well-humoured character and wittiness. I am grateful that I had such a good example of a dear grandmother- caregiving, honest, with a big heart and good soul.
Today I am grateful that I could spend time with the rest of my family members in remembering her. I am also thankful for the sunny hot day that it is today. Thank you, universe, for giving me courage and belief!
So, what are the three things you are grateful for today? Tell them to yourself at night before going to sleep and I can assure you, that you will have a pleasant sleep and a calm evening ahead.
PS: Researches and therapists do recommend journaling about the things we are grateful for on a daily basis. It is now well-known that it boost our confidence and aligns us better with our surroundings.
